Qualifi Level 3 – Award in Basic Life Support and Management of Anaphylaxis
Aims of the Course
The aim of the QUALIFI Level 3 Award in Basic Life Support and Management of Anaphylaxis is to provide learners with the skills, knowledge and understanding to provide basic life support and management of anaphylaxis.
This qualification is for individuals with a specific interest or a responsibility at work, home or for a voluntary community activity, who are expected to be able to provide basic life support and manage anaphylaxis in an emergency.
Successful completion of the QUALIFI Level 3 Award in Basic Life Support and Management
of Anaphylaxis provides learners with the opportunity to progress to further study or employment.
Course Duration and Cost
5 hours inhouse training
Course Cost: £199
Learning outcomes
The overall learning outcomes of the qualification are for learners to:
- Be able to assess the casualty
- Be able to carry out the recovery position
- Be able to provide CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
- Be able to provide safe use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
- Be able to manage anaphylaxis in an emergency
Entry Criteria
There are no other pre-requisites for this qualification. Entry is at the discretion of the centre; however, learners should be able to work at Level 3 and above and should be aged 18 years and over.
Learners must demonstrate first aid procedures as part of their assessment, as they would in a real work environment, including providing CPR to a casualty on the floor. Therefore, learners must be physically capable of performing CPR on the floor.
Learners must have sufficient command of the English language to understand and undertake the recommended assessment methods for this qualification.
Progression and Links to other QUALIFI Programmes
The QUALIFI Level 3 Award in Basic Life Support and Management of Anaphylaxis is an essential pre-requisite for learners undertaking the Qualifi Level 4 suite of Aesthetic related qualifications, Level 5 and Level 7 Aesthetic Practice qualifications.
This qualification will also support learners in associated professions, where these skills are a desired requirement e.g., aesthetic practitioners, learning and teaching professionals.
Requalification requirements
This qualification is valid for 1 year. The learner must retake this qualification prior to the expiry date to remain qualified.